Just Start! is your one-stop-spot for college community organizing.

Start your own campaign for change today with the help of our free campus community organizing e-book.

We help students use grassroots community organizing tools to run effective campaigns for change.

Get Your Free E-Book

Get your 8-Steps e-book on how to bring your vision of change to life on campus.

Hi, I’m Dondei.

community organizer + artist + learning designer

I specialize in organizing positive, powerful, and diverse communities by helping you bring your vision of change to life.

Nothing makes me happier than seeing students gain the confidence and clarity to make effective change and form stronger community relationships.

Ready to rock? Download the free community organizing e-book and get started!

Here’s the #facts.

You can have the catchiest cause and a ton of people at your protest.

But if you’re not thinking long-term? Hello #burnout and goodbye, change.

You’re stuck reacting to campus incidents, being promised meetings that go nowhere.

Change it all with the free campus community organizing e-book. Just Start!

About Dondei

My love for community organizing began when I was a Dartmouth College undergrad witnessing campus wide injustices.

I was called into action and passionately led many successful initiatives that achieved positive and lasting changes.

I went on to serve as the Executive Director of a community organizing nonprofit, winning change on racial, immigrant, and transportation justice.

Now I want to help you make change on your campus. Let’s go!